What can I expect from my Concierge Onboarding?

A Concierge Onboarding is a 1-on-1 video call with an expert from the Unchained team.

The goal of the call is to help you build an Unchained vault which you hold your own keys to, so that you can comfortably, confidently, and securely hold your bitcoin for the long-term.

The call will be tailored to fit your personal level of knowledge and experience, so if you are non-technical or brand new to bitcoin, that’s totally fine! We are professional bitcoin educators, and we would love to help answer your questions at any level of complexity. Onboarding calls are scheduled for an hour, but we are happy to arrange additional time if needed.

Once you sign up for a Concierge Onboarding, there are a few steps you should take in preparation.

Video Guide

Updates since video production:

Microsoft Edge is another compatible browser option.

Written Checklist

What equipment will I need?

  1. The setup must be done on Mac or PC laptop or desktop.
    Chromebooks and tablets will not work.
  2. You will need two hardware wallets, and we support all models of Trezor, Ledger and Coldcard.
    If you join the call with devices that you’ve already set up, that’s great! Otherwise, we can help you set up brand new devices during your onboarding. If you are using new devices, please open the packaging and take your devices out of the box before the call.
  3. You may need a computer program or two.
    If you are using a Trezor, you will need an application called Trezor Suite installed onto your computer. If you are using a Ledger, you will need a program called Ledger Live. For efficiency, we recommend downloading and installing the software that applies to you prior to the call, using the links above. You do not need to open the installed program(s) until your Onboarding.
  4. Please make sure your computer has a USB port.
    You must be able to connect your Trezor or Ledger, otherwise you may need an adapter. If you are using a Coldcard, please make sure you have a cable to connect it to power, since they do not necessarily come with one in the package.
  5. A Coldcard will also need a MicroSD card.
    It should be 32 GB or less (industrial grade recommended), and ensure that you have a MicroSD card reader for your computer. This is required for an Mk3 model, and optional for the Mk4 model (you can instead hook it up to your computer directly, but this method will not be considered air-gapped). If you are not using a Coldcard, you will not need these items!

What other actions will I need to to take to be prepared?

  1. Set up your hardware wallets beforehand (optional).
    If you received Trezors from us, we have a step-by-step guide on how to set up your Trezor Safe 3. Having the devices already set up will allow us more time to conduct extra-curricular activities such as making a deposit, talking about our Inheritance Protocol, and diving deeper into education. If you don’t feel comfortable setting up your hardware wallets on your own, we can walk through it together.
  2. Please join the video call on the computer that you will be using to set up your keys and vault.
    During the call it will be helpful to utilize screen sharing functionality, but don’t worry, no sensitive private key information will be shared or displayed. If you are unable to join the call from the same computer, we can work around this, but it can reduce the smoothness of the call. You'll receive an email with the meeting link and details.
  3. Have your Unchained sign in credentials ready.
    You will need to sign in to your Unchained account during the call. If you forget your password, it can be reset but this will unnecessarily take up extra time.
  4. You will need to use a compatible internet browser.
    Google Chrome, Brave, and Edge are great options for all devices. If you have a Trezor, Firefox can also work, but we might need to help you change some of your browser settings. Firefox is not compatible with Ledger. For Coldcard, you should be able to use any browser.

We're looking forward to meeting you!