Who is Fortis Bank & why do I see information about them in my paperwork?

Learn more about Fortis Bank and their role as IRA custodian for the Unchained IRA.

As required by Internal Revenue Code Section 408(a)(2), all Unchained IRAs have a licensed financial institution as IRA custodian. Unchained has selected Fortis Bank as its partner to fill this role. All IRA bitcoin is stored in a secure Unchained multisig vault in which legal title vests to the IRA custodian.

Learn: Read our Ultimate Guide to Bitcoin Retirement Savings to learn more about the Unchained IRA.

Unchained clients typically demand the strictest security; however, they do not want Fortis or any other third party holding a quorum of private keys. Fortis therefore agrees to delegate control of private keys by legal agreement in the Unchained Terms of Service to address this concern. Two keys (a quorum in the Unchained 2-of-3 vault) are delegated to the client, with the third key delegated to Unchained. 

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