How do I confirm an address using my Coldcard?

Verify that your deposit address for a vault or loan is really under your control.

As discussed in this article, you can verify the legitimacy of any deposit address shown to you by Unchained. This process proves that the address belongs to your vault and is controlled by your keys.

Note: You'll need to register your Coldcard before you're able to verify any addresses.

What you'll need

  • Your Coldcard with its power cord and SD card
  • An active Unchained account with an active vault or loan

How to confirm an address on your Coldcard

  1. Click the Confirm on device button on the deposit screen.
  2. Select the name of the key you'll be using.
  3. Click Coldcard, then Next to view the instructions.
  4. Your Coldcard will display an address on its screen. Visually verify that it matches the address shown on the Unchained website.
  5. That's it! You just used your hardware wallet to confirm your deposit address.