How do I make a connection?

You must connect with another account before sharing keys.

We recommend talking with your potential connection partner before sharing any codes. You should only connect with people you trust and have a reliable way to communicate with.

Learn: If you or your connection partner are new to Unchained or multisig, check out our blog post: What is multisig?

Video Guide: Connections walkthrough

How to make a connection:

  1. Sign in to your Unchained account and navigate to the Connections page on the left side menu.
  2. If this is your first time using Connections, agree to the terms of service and click Get started.
  3. Copy your connection code and share it with your intended connection partner. The connection partner must paste the code into the box on their Unchained account.

  4. Locate the connection request under the Pending tab and Accept the connection request.
  5. Click View to see the details of the connection. You can now share keys with your connection partner.

You may remove a connection at any time by clicking the trash can icon on the connection page.

Allowing a Connection to maintain a key in your collaborative custody setup bears significant risks. Unchained has not vetted any connection you make using this feature, and does not make any assurance as to the fitness for the given task or fitness of character of any potential keyholder you select. Unchained bears no liability for actions or inaction of any keyholder selected using this feature. Please do your own research, and review the Unchained Terms of Service.