How do I set up a Trezor Model One?

Use the Trezor Suite desktop program to securely generate an offline bitcoin key.

Setting up your Trezor will only take a few minutes. Please follow our video guide to set up the Trezor properly, according to best practices!

What you'll need

  • Your Trezor hardware wallet with its USB cord
  • A PC or Mac with a USB port to connect your hardware wallet
  • A pen to write down your seed phrase

Tip: The Trezor website also has a written guide that you might find helpful while setting up your Model One.

Video Guide

Updates since video production:

02/21/24: Trezor has updated their Trezor Suite software. The Settings button is now located in the left-side menu.

Here is a written summary of the steps:

  1. Download and install the Trezor Suite on your computer.
  2. Open the Suite program and plug in your Trezor.
  3. Select Set up my Trezor and download the firmware onto your Trezor (bitcoin-only firmware is recommended but not required).
  4. Select Create New Wallet and confirm the selection on your Trezor.
  5. Confirm the backup best practices, then Begin backup.
  6. Your Trezor Model One will generate the 24 seed words and display them on its small screen. Write down your seed words in order on the provided paper.
  7. Set a PIN code of your choice for your Trezor. Use the random number grid on the Trezor  screen as your guide for what the dotted grid on your computer screen represents.
  8. Repeat the PIN for confirmation.
  9. On the "Active Coins" screen, scroll down to the bottom and select Complete Setup.
  10. Setting a device name is optional. When ready, select Access Suite.
  11. On the "Select Wallet Type" screen, choose Standard Wallet.
  12. Click the Settings button in the left-side menu, followed by Device near the top of your screen. Scroll down to Passphrase, turn off the switch, and confirm on your Trezor.

You're done! It is safe to unplug your Trezor at any time. Repeat these steps for a second Trezor if you are using another one for your Unchained Vault. 

Caution: Losing your hardware wallet or seed phrase backup could compromise this key and put your bitcoin at risk. Follow our security best practices to store your key safely.

You may now add the Trezor key to your Unchained account. Or, if you have chosen to set up your Trezors in advance of a Concierge Onboarding, this is a great point to stop and wait for your onboarding call.