How do I take a distribution from my Unchained IRA?

You may take a distribution as cash or as bitcoin.

To initiate an IRA distribution, you must complete an IRA distribution request form within the Unchained platform. Cash distributions are taken from your IRA cash balance, and you may need to sell bitcoin to increase your cash position. Selling bitcoin will require your keys. In-kind bitcoin distributions also require signatures from your keys.

How to take a cash distribution

  1. Sign in to your Unchained account and navigate to your IRA account on the left side of your screen.
  2. Click IRA cash balance and ensure that your intended withdrawal amount is reflected in your Available balance.
  3. You can sell bitcoin from your IRA vault to increase your available balance.
  4. Click Withdraw on the IRA cash balance page when your available balance is sufficient.
  5. Choose Distribution and click Continue.
  6. Complete the IRA distribution request form, choosing the USD distribution type.
  7. An Unchained IRA associate will email you the corresponding DocuSign for you to sign, along with withdrawal instructions.

How to take an in-kind bitcoin distribution

  1. Sign in to your Unchained account and navigate to your IRA account on the left side of your screen.
  2. Navigate to your IRA vault page and click Withdraw.
  3. Acknowledge the security notice and click Next.
  4. You’ll be shown a “Paperwork required for withdrawal” warning. Click the hyperlinked button labeled corresponding paperwork.
  5. Choose Distribution and click Continue.
  6. Complete the IRA distribution request form, choosing the In-kind (BTC) distribution type.
  7. An Unchained IRA associate will email you the corresponding DocuSign for you to sign, along with withdrawal instructions.
  8. Once you’re approved to withdraw, follow our withdrawal instructions within your vault.

Note: No contents of this post may be relied upon as tax, legal, or financial advice, as they have not been tailored to you and have not been reviewed by any attorney, financial advisor, or tax professional. For any questions related to your own specific situation, please consult with your own attorney, tax professional, and/or licensed financial advisor.