How do I withdraw from my vault?

Learn how to use your two keys to spend from an Unchained vault.

Sending bitcoin with a singlesig wallet is a common way to move bitcoin around. Unchained has made the process of sending bitcoin from a multisig wallet requiring two signatures just as easy.  Keep reading for more.

Caution: Bitcoin transactions are irreversible. Once broadcasted, it will be picked up by miners and no changes can be made. 

What you'll need

To securely spend from your Unchained Capital vault, you'll need to prepare the following:

  • Your two hardware wallets (Unchained supports Trezor, Ledger, and Coldcard)
  • A PC or Mac with USB ports to connect your hardware wallets
  • An approved Unchained account with two keys uploaded and a vault built
  • A destination address to send your bitcoin e.g. an exchange or external wallet

How to send bitcoin from an Unchained vault to a single address

  1. Sign in to your Unchained account.
  2. Navigate to the vault you want to withdraw from and click Withdraw.
  3. Enter the recipient address into the address field and click Next.
  4. Choose the amount of bitcoin you wish to send and the fee rate.
  5. Select the two keys you want to provide the signature.
  6. Look over the Withdrawal Summary to confirm the details of the transaction are accurate. Then select Create Transaction.
  7. Use the correct hardware wallet and follow the prompts on the screen to sign with your first key.
  8. Select the second key you want to sign with and follow the prompts to produce the second signature. 
  9. You're ready to broadcast the transaction by selecting Broadcast.

Your transaction has now been securely broadcasted to the blockchain and is ready to be mined.

How to send bitcoin to multiple addresses at once

  1. Sign in to your Unchained account.
  2. Navigate to the vault you want to withdraw from and click Withdraw.
  3. Select Multiple Addresses.
  4. Download the template file, open it on your computer, and fill out the addresses and amounts you want to send. The amounts must be denominated in BTC.
  5. Save your updated file and upload it to Unchained. Review the addresses and amounts before clicking Next.
  6. Choose a fee rate and complete the transaction like normal.

Tip: If one of your keys is inaccessible, you can request Unchained to provide the second key signature.