How do I perform a Trezor device check for my Unchained account?

Sign into your Unchained account, view the key you want to check, and click 'Check now'.

Device checks are regular check-ins to ensure the keys to your Unchained vault or loan are accessible and functioning. 

Video Guide

How to perform a device check using your Trezor:

  1. Open the Trezor Suite application on your computer. If your computer doesn’t have the Trezor Suite app, you can download it here.

  2. Sign in to your Unchained account using a supported browser.

  3. Navigate to the Keys page to see a full list of keys.

  4. Locate the key you want to check. Click View.

  5. Click Check now.

  6. Select Trezor.

  7. Plug your Trezor into your computer. 

  8. Select Connect to Trezor. A Trezor Connect window will open in another browser tab.

  9. If prompted, choose Allow once for this session.

  10. Click Export.

  11. Enter your Trezor’s PIN if prompted.

  12.  If you see a choice between a standard and hidden wallet, choose Standard Wallet.

  13. Success! You’re done.

Having trouble? We have several troubleshooting guides to help: