How do I request a key signature from someone who has shared a key with me?

Select the shared key while creating your withdrawal.

If you use someone’s shared key in your vault, you can request their key signature anytime. We recommend communicating with your connection partner before creating the transaction. This will ensure a smooth and timely transaction. You can also request Unchained to sign if the key owner is unavailable.

How to request a key signature:

  1. Follow the steps on our comprehensive withdrawal guide.
  2. When selecting keys ensure that the shared key is highlighted. Shared keys are plum-colored and personal keys are green.
    • Shared and personal keys are selected to sign by default.
    • The key owner will receive an automatic email asking them to sign.
  3. Once two keys have signed, you must Broadcast the transaction yourself.

Note: If the key owner does not sign right away, fee rates may change.  We will provide a notice if there will be a probable confirmation delay due to increased fees.

Allowing a Connection to maintain a key in your collaborative custody setup bears significant risks. Unchained has not vetted any connection you make using this feature, and does not make any assurance as to the fitness for the given task or fitness of character of any potential keyholder you select. Unchained bears no liability for actions or inaction of any keyholder selected using this feature. Please do your own research, and review the Unchained Terms of Service.